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农药防治是茶树病虫害综合防治的重要组成部分,其在病虫害突发或爆发时具有快速高效的防治优势。茶树叶片表面具有亲水性,常量施药会造成茶叶农残超标、生态环境破坏等问题,实现茶树减量施药是减少茶叶农残的有效手段。系统综述了茶树生物特性、茶树病虫害预测诊断及防治方法、茶树植保机械及施药技术,强调提高茶树低容量喷雾的农药有效利用率是实现茶树减量施药的关键。针对目前茶园地面工况复杂及农药利用率低的问题,本文从低容量仿形喷雾机、茶树病虫害喷雾决策及智能终端等六个方面提出茶树病虫害施药技术及装备的研究建议,指出低量化、精准化及智能化是未来茶树植保喷雾机械及施药技术的发展方向。  相似文献   
Headwater streams play a major role for provision of ecosystem services, e.g. drinking water. We investigated a high-altitude headwater catchment of the Kharaa River (including 41 1st-order rivers) to understand the impact of land cover (especially forest cover), environment and human usage on runoff, chemical water quality and macroinvertebrate fauna in a river basin under discontinuous permafrost conditions in an arid, sparsely populated region of Mongolia. To verify our hypotheses that different landuses and environmental impacts in permafrost headwaters influence water quality, we investigated 105 sampling sites, 37 of them at intermittent stream sections without water flow. Discharge was positively impacted by land cover types steppe, grassland and forest and negatively by shrubland, forest burnt by wild fires (indicating a reduction of permafrost) and slope. Water quality was affected by altitude, longitude and latitude, shrub growth and water temperature. Shannon diversity of macroinvertebrates was driven by water temperature, iron content of the water, flow velocity, and subbasin size (adjusted R2 = 0.54). Sample plots clustered in three groups that differed in water chemistry, macroinvertebrate diversity, species composition and bio-indicators. Our study confirms that steppes and grasslands have a higher contribution to runoff than forests, forest cover has a positive impact on water quality, and diversity of macroinvertebrates is higher in sites with less nutrients and pollutants. The excellent ecological status of the upper reaches of the Kharaa is severely threatened by forest fires and human-induced climate change and urgently needs to be conserved.  相似文献   
随着“互联网+”时代的到来,数据挖掘、数据共享、云计算等信息技术为农机的智能化和信 息化管理提供有效方法和手段。为更好的推动农业经济发展,有必要借助先进的信息技术手段,搭建 一个基于“互联网+”的智慧农机管理信息数据共享平台,使我国农机管理进入大数据时代,推进智慧 农业发展。  相似文献   
介绍了坎市镇基本概况及近年来政府购买农业农村公益性服务项目实施情况,分析了客观 审视下的诸多问题,提出了乡村振兴下推进政府购买农业农村公益性服务的若干对策思考。  相似文献   
基于健康差异视角,利用福建省农村老年人住院服务利用调研数据,采用日常生活自理能力、工具性日常生活活动能力和认知能力3个指标来评定农村老年人健康状况,并在此基础上通过聚类分析法将农村老人的健康状况分为3个等级,然后再运用两部模型重点考察新型农村合作医疗补偿机制对不同健康水平农村老人住院服务利用的影响及差异。结果表明:乡级医疗机构的报销补偿对农村老人就医选择的影响不存在健康差异,但是高级别医院的报销补偿与补偿封顶线对健康较差的老人的影响更大。另外,新农合补偿机制中乡级医院报销比例与补偿封顶线的提高对老人住院支出有显著影响,且乡级医疗机构报销倾斜对所有健康等级老人的住院医疗支出都有显著影响。  相似文献   
This article investigates the impact of natural burial on the delivery of ecosystem services (ESs) in urban cemeteries in England that are owned and managed by local authorities. Local authority natural burial sites have received far less attention from researchers than independent sites developed by farmers, charitable trusts, funeral directors and land owners. Here we argue that the local authority hybrid cemeteries that combine natural burial with traditional graves may have a far greater impact in delivering regulatory and cultural ecosystem services than the much larger and frequently more environmentally ambitious natural burial grounds developed by the independent sector. The article presents three case studies of cemeteries, each of which represents a different interpretation of natural burial. Two have retrofitted natural burial into an existing cemetery landscape. The third is a new cemetery where natural burial was included with traditional burial in the original design brief and planning application. The research reveals how natural burial is transforming the traditional cemetery, with its focus on an intensively managed lawn aesthetic, towards a more habitat rich and spatially complex landscape with its own distinctive identity. The research also reveals how natural burial (within the unique constraints of UK burial culture that does not permit the recycling of burial space) is increasing the burial capacity of urban cemeteries by accessing land and grave space that might not be suitable or appropriate for more traditional forms of burial.  相似文献   
The analysis of spontaneous environmental initiatives undertaken by individuals and communities in cases of conflicts has led to a growing research field in social science, according to which the community-based stewardship of nature seems to conduce to the resilience of co-evolved social-ecological systems. In Colombia, where no such research exists so far, the conflict which officially ended in November 2016 has led to massive internal migration due to forced displacement, as well as to widespread degradation of the environment. Based on evidence provided by case studies of top-down and bottom-up living memorials and urban agriculture initiatives, the article explores the potential of urban greening in the process of memorialisation and in generating new social cohesion, as well as better living conditions in urban areas. It analyses cases both where the conflict has taken place and in the cities where refugees have settled, in order to explore avenues for public policies in post conflict Colombia. The author concludes that greening initiatives offer manifold, so far overlooked, opportunities to restoring social and ecological resilience in urban areas and thus contribute to a lasting peace in Colombia.  相似文献   
Cultural ecosystem services related to urban green spaces contribute significantly to liveable cities. While previous studies highlight the intersection of cultural ecosystem services with societal values, spiritual or religious values associated with urban nature have received less attention. In India, as in other parts of the world, sacred sites are known for their biological richness, but analyses from urban sacred sites are largely missing. Based on a stratified random sampling approach, we analysed the cultivated and wild plant species assemblages of 69 sacred sites in the megacity of Bengaluru, India, in relation to biological and cultural features, and parameters related to the urban matrix and type of sacred sites (temple vs. katte). Unlike other urban studies, we found a dominance of native species in the cultivated and spontaneous species pools (121 species in total), with Ficus religiosa and Azadirachta indica as most frequently planted species. Culturally relevant species prevailed in the species pool (89%), with overlaps between religious (36%), medicinal (50%) and ornamental (62%) plants; only 11% of species were weeds. Urban matrix parameters (age of development, housing density) and size and type of sacred sites were related to differences in species assemblages. We identified key species for different classes of age and housing density, and for types of sacred sites. Our study demonstrates that urban sacred sites have an important potential in harbouring both native and culturally significant species that can support urban livelihoods in developing countries by a range of cultural and provisioning ecosystem services, including medicinal uses. As such sites are conserved by communities for spiritual or cultural beliefs, local biodiversity can be enhanced, e.g. by adapting management practices through community participation. This would strengthen the important contribution of sacred sites within the green infrastructure of rapidly growing megacities.  相似文献   
夹指链式残膜回收机脱膜装置设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对现有残膜回收机脱膜困难的问题,该研究设计了一种夹指链式残膜回收机脱膜装置,主要由刮板总成、曲柄摇杆机构和膜杂分离机构等组成,可一次性完成脱膜、膜杂分离和输膜作业。为增加夹指随夹指链转过上收膜轮的过程中与刮板接触的次数,将刮板总成中的刮板设为双层,并通过作业过程分析对其结构参数进行设计;使用ADAMS软件对刮板末端运动轨迹进行仿真分析,并根据仿真结果对曲柄摇杆机构的杆件长度及安装角进行设计;通过对残膜受力情况的分析,确定了曲柄摇杆机构的安装位置;通过运动学分析获得了夹指不被漏刮时上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比的最大值;为实现输膜与膜杂分离,设计了往复摆动式膜杂分离机构,并通过作业机理分析及性能试验对相关部件的结构参数进行设计。田间试验结果表明,当机具作业速度为4.5 km/h、刮板宽度为100 mm、曲柄回转中心与上收膜轮中心间的水平安装距离为290 mm、竖直安装距离为200 mm、上收膜轮角速度与曲柄角速度比为0.5、输膜筛相邻棒条间的安装距离为50mm时,残膜回收率为93.12%,脱膜率为98.2%,含杂率为16.08%,能够满足残膜回收机田间作业要求。研究成果可为相关装置的设计提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的] 通过权衡关系的研究探索不同林龄与坡向人工刺槐林多项生态系统服务间的差异及动态变化关系,为黄土残塬沟壑区人工刺槐林的经营管理提供理论依据。[方法] 按照不同林龄阶段和坡向共设置36个样地,对所选林分的涵养水源、土壤碳储量、土壤氮储量、年均生产力、生物多样性5个方面的生态系统服务进行测算,利用均方根偏差(RMSD)对该区人工刺槐林生态系统服务的权衡与协同关系进行研究,对生态系统服务与林分因子进行冗余分析。[结果] ①不同林龄、坡向人工刺槐林的生态系统服务差异显著(p<0.05);随林龄增加,涵养水源量和年均生产力从幼龄林到中龄林增加达到最大值,随后逐渐减小;而生物多样性则呈先增后减趋势,在成熟林时期最高;土壤碳、氮储量随林龄增加呈逐渐增加趋势;阴坡的各生态系统服务价值均高于阳坡。②林龄是引起生态系统服务权衡关系变化的主导因子(p<0.05),坡向对生态系统服务权衡关系的影响不显著(p > 0.05),土壤碳固存与土壤氮固存呈协同关系,涵养水源与其他生态系统服务的权衡关系相比程度较高。③人工刺槐林5项生态系统服务与盖度、郁闭度、凋落物厚度呈现不同程度的正相关,与坡度呈现不同程度的负相关。[结论] 人工刺槐林生态系统服务在中龄林和过熟林时期权衡度高,不利于整体生态系统服务效益的发挥。应在中龄林时期引入耐旱灌木或乡土草本,在过熟林经营过程中,在满足涵养水源的前提下,合理控制林分密度,促进其他生态系统服务的作用,提高整体效益。  相似文献   
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